
ACCESS Soup Kitchen and Men's Shelter
ACCESS = Actively Caring Christians Enlisting Support Services

Established by the Coalition of Committed Christians, Inc.

Serving Central Kentucky since 1984

Food Service Program

Q: How can I become involved?

A:   You can either visit 311 West Second Street in Frankfort, KY or contact our staff at (502)223-5179. Let them know you are interested in becoming a volunteer.

Q: What would I do if I volunteered?

A:  Help with the daily food preparation, serving, storage and cleanup. Volunteers are also needed to assist in the food pickup and delivery.

Q: How many volunteers are required per team?

A: At least three men and/or women with the exact number determined by the volunteer team and Food Service Director.

Q: Can I prepare my own food?

A: No. Health Department regulations require all preparation and cooking to be performed on-site or in a Health Department approved kitchen.

Shelter Program

Q: Who can stay at the Shelter?

A: Men at least 18 years of age, without shelter, are provided temporary emergency shelter on a night to night basis up to 60 nights, and any night when the temperature will drop below 32 degrees before morning.